Friday, March 2nd, 2018

(March 1) The two SDXA Constitutional Amendments needed 66% to pass, but only 62.5% were in favor, so both were not approved.

These are the proposed Constitutional Amendments proposed at the January and February, 2018 meetings by President Randy Crews. The proposed amendments were officially read at the February meeting; comments and voting will be at the March meeting.

  • By Laws Article II – Attendance:

    All SDXA Members are expected to attend two (2) Meeting Events during the Calendar year; honorary members are exempt as well as members with acute physical conditions or extraordinary work requirements. Not meeting this expectation will result in review of the members application and could result in membership termination. Club officer decisions will be final.

  • Bylaws – Addition of Article V Participation:

    All SDXA Members are expected to participate during the year in one of the published categories (categories may be added) or a member may develop an area of their own. Not meeting this expectation will result in review of the members application and could result in membership termination. Club Officers decisions will be final. (see next article on categories)


Active paid members will be REQUIRED to participate in one or several of these categories [Constitutional Amendment – By Laws – Addition of Article V – Participation]. In this manner, SDXA will be powered by interested, devoted, and strong membership:

1. Serve as an officer
2. Serve on a club event committee
3. Put on or contribute to putting on a club presentation
4. Host the Club DX Net
5. Host or participate in a Club member antenna party
6. Assist or serve as the Club Webmaster
7. Go on a DXpedition or operate from a unique remote QTH
8. Participate in a Club Event (Field Day, etc.) [The Annual Picnic does not count unless hosted]
9. Host a Contest at your QTH
10. Contribute contest scores to the Club’s Efforts
11. Serve as a DX Chairman/Contest Chairman/Membership Chairman, etc.
12. Serve as an Awards Chairman (DX Card Checking)
13. Serve as a VE
14. Room around – Plans for the club on something you have built for your station

(Categories may be added or developed by members or Officers)