Sunday, June 1st, 2014

From Randy W7TJ:

Due to the Solar Flux Averaging 155 for the past 5 Months, (and again thru the Month of April) along with 13+ Hours of Daylight, Long Path Propagation on the high bands at our Local Sunrise and Sunset times has been outstanding! LP has always been a constant on 20M; however during this time of year, 17 and 15 Meters have been very productive from 1400 to 1500 Zulu. For example, not only are South and East African Stations Q5 on 15M and 17M, but occasionally Northern EU Stations (although weak) where as the Short Path at these times is non-existent. The key is to listen on the High Bands and check the Long Path during Sunrise and Sunset times… even call CQ – you could be very pleasantly surprised !
